Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Week 3

Minha Familia!
It was so fun to see all of you at the wedding!  And don't worry, it has actually helped me focus better and completely trust the Lord to take better care of you than I ever could if I were with you.  So I don't really miss any of you at all anymore because I am able to really focus on the work and the MTC feels like home now. Yay!

Wow, a lot has changed since I saw you on Wednesday!  Elder Freestone was reassigned to the Texas Houston South mission on Thursday, and he left our branch on Friday.  He leaves tomorrow! I think he is doing a lot better since the reassignment, so that has been really good to see. Elder Pauli is a solo missionary now and we teach our investigators and plan, etc. as a trio.  But he got called to the front desk today and it is rumored that he was reassigned to the Portugal mission. I'm not sure though, but that would stink!  It has been a lot of fun to kind of be a trio, and we've really come a lot closer as a district, even though we miss Elder Freestone.  

Companionship inventory is such a blessing, let me tell you!  Being with Elder Pauli, I was really able to see what Sister Nasau and I need to work on. So, we talked about it, especially about how it is hard on me when I feel like I need to lead everything and how it isn't helpful for her, either, if she doesn't tell anyone what the Spirit is prompting her about.  She has really been trying hard to act on those promptings to talk, and it has been amazing to see the Lord bless her with more promptings and self-confidence as she has opened herself to us more.  Her opinion, spiritual direction, and understanding of the Gospel is golden.  She has a much more simple but still a powerful understanding of gospel principles because she is a convert, and it is really helpful.  We balance each other out really well, I think.  I love her so much!

On Saturday one of our teachers talked to us individually to see how we're doing/what's on our minds, etc.  It was so helpful, and he gave me a lot of advice and encouragement.  He told me a phrase I love: the Lord really loves baby steps.  I have been planning things in 15-20 min increments now, and I feel so much more productive.  I am just focusing on one thing to improve at a time, just working on taking baby steps, and being humble enough to see that God is proud of me for conquering my mountains one little step at a time.  His grace is helping me climb those mountains incredibly fast, since I am focusing on one step at a time.  I can't explain it, but it is beautiful and wonderful and i know I am not doing any of this by myself.  Not at all.

Yep, so on Sunday I got released as Music Coordinator.  It was a bit sad, because I love music, but Sister Nasau and I got called as the new Sister Training Leaders.  In some respects, we had kind of been playing that role before, but as I sat down after they announced it in Sacrament Meeting, I could feel the mantle being placed on my shoulders. We are already receiving greater enlightenment and feeling more responsibility for these wonderful sister.  One of the greatest blessings of the call has been the glimpse of these sisters I have been able to see and feel.  They are SO loved by Heavenly Father, and He is so proud of them!  I feel very blessed to be able to be His instrument and be a missionary to these missionaries.  It is wonderful. 

Irma Baer told us some things I really loved.  She said that often times, it is not selfishness, but lack of understanding of one another that causes problems.  She had them create a vision (only positive things) of where they want to be as a companionship by the end of their time in the MTC.  She also told them to erase the past, to just let go of what happened in the past and to start fresh with this vision in mind.  I learned a lot from that experience.

Oh yeah!  And because of the mission presidents' seminar, all the branches will be combined... half in one sacrament meeting and the other half in a different sacrament meeting.  And they asked me to speak... crazy!  I 'm just glad it's in English though. :)  Also, we are hosting tomorrow!  I'm so excited! :)

I love the Lord and I am learning so much here!  Also, Happy Father's day to Dad, Aaron, Jordan, and all the future fathers (Rob and Christian)!  Haha Sheri Dew spoke to us on Sunday and she called it "happy divine nature for men" day. :) 

Anyway, I love you all!  You are so awesome and I feel so lucky to be part of such a wonderful family!  And thank you so much for your prayers!  Being on a mission, I have felt the Savior closer to me than ever before, and I can literally, somehow very literally, I can't explain it -- feel your prayers with me.  It is amazing. :) Love you all!

Sister Zimbelman ;)

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