Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Week 5: Ola

Haha, it seems like everything crazy happens Wednesday-Saturday. :)

Sister Nasau had a crazy migraine Monday-Saturday (she didn't really let me know until she started throwing up just how bad of a headache she had).  Haha, I have felt a lot like a mom, the only sister still going strong and therefore doing a lot of supporting and helping all the others.  Everything is good now, don't worry. :)  After Sister Nasau got three different medications on three different days, got an order for some glasses (it was really weird to be in Shopko as a missionary!), six shots total on four different days, visited instacare at IHC (Wed), had her blood drawn (Wed... I think), visited urgent care at the Student Health Center (Sat), visited the health clinic at the MTC a TON of times (the receptionist and I are really good friends now :) ), she is better! Yay! I had to have a cell phone as my companion twice so I could go to some of class while she rested in the health center, and I have never hated a phone as much as I hated that one, haha.  Hopefully her glasses will come tomorrow, and that should help some.  The doctor said he thinks she has recurring migraines exacerbated by stress, tension in her neck, and eye strain, so glasses should help.  But heat and light tend to set off her migraines, which last a week, and that concerns me because she's headed to Cabo Verde, where she'll be walking up and down hills in lots of heat and tons of light.  And even after she was on anti-pain, muscle relaxant (for her neck), and anti-nausea medications, on Sunday she still had to sleep for 4-5 hours in order to stop herself from throwing up and to help her with her lightheadedness and blurry vision, which started when we were in branch council meeting that morning, because the light was on in that room. And that was after she slept for 10-11 hours Friday night, 2-3 hrs Sat morning, 4-6 Sat. afternoon, and the full 8 hours Sat. night.  I have learned a ton about migraines this week, and I have never been so grateful that I don't get them. :)

The sisters' companionships got changed, which took a huge toll on the two sisters who were doing well... and then pretty literally got stuck in the middle of all the drama, then changed back during all of this.  Pres. Jackson had a talk with the struggling sisters where he apparently "laid down the law", and since then, they have been trying harder than ever before to work together, serve the missionaries around them (and serve each other), and hopefully change into who the Lord knows they can be.  Yesterday was such a wonderful day: Sister Nasau felt completely normal and didn't need to take any naps, she was herself again, and it was so fun to have a "normal" day with the three of us in our district and little or no tension to worry about among the other sisters.  I guess other missionaries have more "normal" days in the MTC than abnormal days, but this felt like a first in a very, very long time. :)  I don't think I have ever had so much fun or been so grateful for a normal day, one where we completely follow the MTC schedule and learn spiritual truths, along with Portuguese!

I have learned so much from all of this! It has really felt like the refiners' fire, but that has been so good because I have developed so much more charity, patience, and gratitude.  It has helped me refocus on my relationship with God as I learn Portuguese and learn how to teach, and has helped me really remember that it is vital to focus on that relationship so I can better help others develop a relationship with Him, too.  It really is the most challenging experiences that seem to help us grow the most as we rely on Christ and trust that His atonement will help us through our trials.  It is so important to learn to trust, too, that God loves us and will bless our lives and take care of us as we let Him guide us and as we ask for His help.  None of this... excitement... really felt like it phased me, because I am really learning to exercise faith and to see life through an eye of faith.  Don't get me wrong, it was crazy hard and I am so glad it is over, but I never really felt fear or felt super overwhelmed or totally lost, and I think it was because I was trying so hard to trust in the Lord and to rely on Him. It made it all okay, even though it was still hard... like in Mosiah, when the Lord makes the peoples' burdens light, even that they cannot feel them on their backs.
Yep, so we got our travel plans! We leave July 8 and we... get... to be at teh travel office at 2:30 am... woo hoo! Haha :)  Our last flight will land in Cabo Verde at 4:30 am their time on July 9, so that will be super fun, too! Haha, but seriously, I don't think I've ever been so excited to get so little sleep and to sleep on an airplane in order to get some rest before we land at 4:30, with a full day of work ahead of us, probably. :)

Also, on Saturday they moved all the Portuguese missionaries to the main floor of 18M, so we only climb stairs when we're coming from our residence to the classroom.  It's pretty great, but part of me kind of misses climbing 3-4 flights of stairs... I'm not exactly sure why. :)
I am learning and growing so much, and it is amazing to see the miracles the Lord is working in the lives of other missionaries, too.  When Sister Nasau follows the promptings of the Spirit, it is SO powerful!  We had a great lesson on the Plan of Salvation with Bruna last night (we didn't teach very much at all last week because of the migraines... :/), where it really felt like the Spirit just enveloped and connected all of us with her as we testified of the truth of what we were teaching.  Plinio committed to being baptized on July 5, and Bruna agreed to be baptized, on July 12.  It's funny, because they are really just our teachers role playing, but the excitement and joy and the Spirit you feel as you teach and as they progress is just SO real! Elder Pauli has such a strong, humble testimony and so much love and selfless service to share with those around him.  We've started teaching each other (one of us is the investigator and the other two are the missionaries), and that has been such a wonderful experience, too.  God truly loves His children so much, and as we serve Him we witness miracles every day.  It's just amazing!  None of us are good enough to b e participating in this work, the work of helping God's children come to Him and receive the blessings He so urgently wants to pour out into their lives.  We are not good enough, but we are so blessed to be a part of the work, to work so closely with God and Jesus Christ.  We are not doing this alone.  

Matthew 11:28-30 says: Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and Iwill give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for am meek andlowly in heartand ye shall find rest unto your souls. 30 For my yoke is easyand my burden is light.

Ether 12: 27 says: And if men come unto me I will show unto them theirweakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.
We are not doing this alone. If we trust in the Lord and ask for His help and direction, and as we strive to be yoked with him instead of trying to carry our burdens by ourselves, we will be so blessed!
This opportunity to be serving a mission is such a blessing. I don't do it because I have a duty to do it, because I don't.  I am serving because God asked me to.  Because I want EVERYONE to know what I know and have the happiness, peace, and innumerable other blessings I have experienced and am still experiencing as a member of Christ's true restored church.  This is my last P-day at the MTC, and I just can't wait to be able to bring this Gospel to God's children in Cape Verde! :) I love you all! Have a WONDERFUL week!
Sister Zimbelman

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